Raise boring that’s on the move

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Raise boring that’s on the move

January 11, 2013
Raise Boring, Whole of Mine

PYBAR has recognised raise boring as a complementary component of its underground service, with raise boring offering important advantages over conventional methods.

This new division includes a Redbore 50 MDUR (capable of box hole or conventional raise boring) and a fully mobile Redbore 40 with its own engineered and certified transporter.  Equipment is manned by an experienced team of 10 people.

The raise drill 40 transporter enables it to relocate independently throughout the mine, without interruption to mine equipment or operations. The unit is self-sufficient, just plug the transporter into mine power and the raise drill is ready to go, offering improved safety to the operator who controls the drill from inside the air-conditioned cab.

Capabilities include:

  • Conventional raise boring from 724mm to 2.13m with lengths up to  182m
  • Box hole/upreaming from 724mm – 1.52m with lengths up to 30

The drills:

Redbore 40news Redbore 40

A compact drill designed primarily for production slot programs.  Nominal capacities range from 724mm up to 1.52m diameter with lengths of raise up to 152m.

Uniquely this raise drill has its own specially engineered and certified  transporter (RPT) to provide additional flexibility and mobility in the mine environment.

news Redbore 50MDURRedbore 50MDUR

Specifically designed to provide upreaming capabilities (blind hole) while maintaining a low profile. Offering more accurate and efficient transfer of power, this drill has a retractable wrenching arm, multi-directional raiseboring capabilities, lay-down rod handler and proven technology. Nominal capacities range from:

  • Upreaming: 724mm – 1.52m dia – lengths up to 30m
  • Conventional: 1.07m – 2.13m dia – lengths up to 183m

To find out more please visit the Raise Boring page or watch our Video Here.

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