PYBAR joins operations at Argyle

PYBAR joins operations at Argyle

July 13, 2011
Mine Development, Queensland

Rio Tinto has appointed PYBAR Mining Services to commence the installation of ground support cablebolting for future development of the underground operations at its Argyle Diamond Mine located in the East Kimberley.

The Argyle Diamond Mine is the world’s largest supplier of coloured diamonds producing approximately 20 million carats each year. The initial contract is for six months with a possible six month extension and PYBAR currently have four highly experienced cable bolt operators and two underground drill fitters appointed to the project.

“The biggest challenge we’ll face at the site is the ever changing ground conditions,” said PYBAR Drilling Foreman, Gary Wenban.

The variance in ground conditions and rock type can add to the time taken when drilling or installing grouting cable and need to be safely stablilised.

PYBAR’s flexibility to handle challenges such as these quickly and with no lost time incidents made them well placed to work at the Argyle site. PYBAR supplied the mine with an experienced team who were used to dealing with unstable ground and made sure all equipment was well maintained and able to deal with any issues that may arise from the variable conditions.

With safety a number one priority, PYBAR is working to stabilise ground conditions as quickly and efficiently as possible with zero LTI.

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