PYBAR now employs 800+ people

PYBAR now employs 800+ people

January 3, 2006
Mine Development, Mine Production, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Whole of Mine

Significant growth in contracts and projects has seen PYBAR Mining Services break through the 800+employee marker for the first time – an outstanding achievement in just 21 years of operation

Brendan Rouse, Director Business Development says “People are PYBAR’s most valued assets and we are committed to the recruitment, development and retention of quality personnel as well as maintaining an environment that encourages all employees to perform to their potential.”

This philosophy has seen PYBAR increasingly recognised as an employer of choice and in an industry where time is critical and labour often a limiting factor, this solid supply of labour is of great beneift to PYBAR’s clients.

PYBAR’s size, range and depth of projects means it is able to invest in its staff through internal and external training & development programs and provide and environment that inspires employees to be and do their best.

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