The Perfect Day making an impact

The Perfect Day making an impact

December 17, 2019
Initiatives, Leadership, Perfect Day

PYBAR’s leadership and behavioural management initiative ‘The Perfect Day’ is making a strong impact since being rolled out across all sites.

‘The Perfect Day’ is being entrenched as a key component of the PYBAR culture, empowering leaders and teams to develop habits and behaviours that support ‘perfect days’ being replicated time and time again.  In all, 38 Perfect Day presentations have been rolled out across sites in Queensland, WA, NSW and Tasmania, ensuring a standardised approach across the business. 

The key to success is to get mine and maintenance foremen and shift supervisors to understand the tasks, personal and group behaviours and the high-performing habits of individuals and teams that are required for a site to have The Perfect Day.

Using a custom-developed score card, leaders are able to map habits and behaviours across a two-shift timeframe and support their crews in replicating The Perfect Day.  To achieve this, both shifts must support each other and the site must achieve its mandated targets.

A number of other support elements have been developed to further support achievement of The Perfect Day including; standardised pre-starts across the business, leadership training for foremen and shift supervisors, and annual performance reviews to support supervisors in providing feedback to crews. 

The company-wide roll out of The Perfect Day is clearly building on the success of a trial at Henty in 2018, which demonstrated the impact that improved habits and behaviours have on reducing incident rates, improving performance and delivering safer, more efficient services to our clients.

A range of on-going and future activities will further strengthen the application of The Perfect Day ideals at all sites. These include further training for managers, a cultural change program, lessons on the PYBAR values, development of a manual for foremen and shift supervisors, and expansion of The Perfect Day to include maintenance crews and departments, stores supervisors and the supply department.

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