WebBAR – fine-tuning for project profit
July 2, 2013Business Systems
Underground mining contractor PYBAR’s WebBAR program is helping clients and PYBAR to better manage projects for bottom line results. WebBAR is an operations recording system that captures data from equipment and operators across all PYBAR projects.
WebBAR is an extremely useful tool to measure operational productivity and to pinpoint areas for improvement. For equipment, WebBAR details the location, availability, downtime and delays, with causes given for each unscheduled delay. For operators, it records metres, equipment downtime, scheduled servicing and delays.
Mick Blunt, PYBAR’s Drilling Division Manager, uses this tool extensively to get the best results for projects. ‘The detail of the data in WebBAR means we can drill down to find the root causes of issues in production rates – the information we supply assists clients to pinpoint problems and improve results’ says Mick Blunt. ‘For example, we provide a monthly report on where they have drilled, and the causes of any delays to the schedule. We can also graph delay by cause over time, enabling the client to focus effort on the issue causing the greatest delay to the project.’
Internally, PYBAR uses this data to track equipment and staff performance – and integrates this data into plant management and personnel training systems. These systems then provide plant maintenance schedules and staff development programs to ensure all PYBAR resources work at their optimum productivity.
‘We can show the difference in production rates from using an old piece of equipment versus a new piece of equipment’, says Mick Blunt ‘which can be useful for a client determining the optimum way of utilising their budgets.’
Clients also use WebBAR to assist with planning what is achievable and benchmarking against other projects. WebBAR also keeps costs down, as the projects can be managed remotely – saving PYBAR time and the client money.
‘This reporting is second to none’ says Mick Blunt, ‘and always has an answer’. Mick is currently assisting to extend WebBAR’s use to PYBAR’s shotcreting division, where he hopes to replicate the improvement in productivity seen in drilling.