August 24, 2021Black Rock, Hera, Safety
In the 12 months since the introduction of PYBAR’s safety transformation program in June 2020, we have seen some pleasing safety outcomes, including significant milestones at our Hera and Black Rock projects.
In March this year, PYBAR’s Hera project achieved 12 months without a Total Recordable Injury (TRI), followed by the Black Rock project also achieving the same milestone in July. This means that none of our work mates at those projects were injured and shows that we can all conduct our work injury-free.
One of the measures of success of PYBAR’s Pathway to Zero safety transformation program is to reduce our Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) to below 10 by June 2022. Once achieved, we have our sights set on reducing our TRIFR to zero.
We are pleased to report that over the 12 months since the introduction of PYBAR’s safety transformation program in June 2020, PYBAR’s TRIFR has reduced to from 36.56 to 14.37, which is an amazing 61% reduction in recordable injuries.
PYBAR’s Safety, Health, Environment and Training Manager, Rob Patterson, thanked everyone for their commitment and hard work in making our workplaces safer, which has made these outstanding results possible.
“Thanks to a renewed focus on safety by everyone at PYBAR, we are on track to achieve a TRIFR of below 10 in October 2021; sooner than our June 2022 target. This aligns well with our journey to a TRIFR of zero and will mean that everyone gets to go home from work uninjured every day, which is our ultimate goal,” said Rob.